Council Internal Waste Training Workshop

EnviroCom, in partnership with Sunshine Coast Council’s Environment and Sustainability Department, developed and delivered a series of training workshops for staff across the organisation. The main objective of this project was to engage and train a Waste Champion from each department or branch, through a ‘train the trainer’ style workshop. The workshop was designed to cover both a broad range of issues related to waste generation and disposal as well as an understanding of barriers to and motivators for behavioural change. Feedback indicated that the workshop provided a great balance of information and skills-based learning, which translated into action as participants felt confident to train their teams in how to engage with Council’s internal waste management system and other waste minimisation techniques. A second series of workshops is planned for later in the year, with Waste Champions to monitor progress at follow-up meetings.

CASE STUDIES / EDUCATION Nude Food Lunchboxes in Logan Primary Schools

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Nude Food Lunchboxes in Logan Primary Schools