EnviroCom talks food waste avoidance ahead of high waste season in Liverpool

EnviroCom was engaged by Liverpool City Council to deliver educational pop-up displays (PUDs) in two shopping centres in the Liverpool Local Government Area (LGA) in the lead up to what is traditionally the most wasteful time of the year- Christmas and the holiday season! The aim was to provide information, guidance and education regarding strategies to reduce food waste, with particular emphasis on how quickly the costs can accumulate for local families.
A range of topics were covered during the various interactions, with attention drawn to the NSW EPA’s Food Smart Program. During conversations with residents, particular emphasis was placed on important food waste minimisation strategies such as meal planning and shopping with a list; buying, portioning and preparing the right amounts; correct storage of food/ leftovers in the fridge, freezer or pantry to maximise food shelf life; easy and tasty dishes that can be made with leftovers; and shopping seasonally. Residents were also invited to share their food waste minimisation tips as part of a competition, for their chance to win a $150 Woolworths gift card. Composting was promoted as a preferred method of disposing of many types of food wastes, with residents encouraged to take advantage of Council’s Compost and Worm Farming Rebate Program.
An EnviroCom environmental consultant was present for one week at both Miller Central Shopping Centre and Carnes Hill Marketplace, engaging with approximately 1000 residents across the fortnight. Through direct engagement and the provision of printed resources and materials, many residents demonstrated a keenness to improve their behaviours around meal planning, storage and leftovers management to reduce food waste and save money for the family.