From Workshops to Webinars; Waste Education Goes Online

The sudden arrival of COVID19 restrictions in April 2020 placed a number of scheduled International Compost Awareness Week (ICAW) community workshops in jeopardy for delivery on behalf of our valued Clients.
In partnership with these Clients, EnviroCom quickly worked to transition traditional direct engagement delivery elements across to an online environment. Existing workshop outcomes were used to generate specific learning content suitable for delivery via an online platform to ensure that engaging and interactive webinars could be developed. Extensive testing was then completed in-house, in a very short timeframe, and the webinars prepared for ‘go live’.
Both City of Whittlesea and Maroondah Council re-advertised the workshops as webinars – honouring the original workshop delivery dates. The response was immediate with an increase in registrations compared to the original face to face programs.
After a week of delivering back to back webinars, using a combination of approaches such as live presenters, PowerPoint slides, video clips and online polls, the feedback and engagement from the community has been excellent. Q&A sessions during each webinar have been very lively with an average of three questions per attendee, which is far in excess of the number of questions normally fielded in a face to face scenario. Post webinar surveys suggest that over three-quarters of participants would prefer to attend webinar style education in the future compared to face to face options.
EnviroCom is continuing to work with many of our Clients to further refine the delivery elements and enhance the webinar experience. Far from being a short term fix for the COVID19 world, we are entering a brave new world of community engagement and learning!
CASE STUDIES / EDUCATION Waste & Resource Recovery Education Strategy 2020-2024
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