Hawkesbury website revamp for easier access of waste information

Waste pages are some of the most commonly viewed sections on Council websites. Consequently, they form an important conduit for distributing both general and Council-specific waste and recycling information to the local community. Hawkesbury City Council identified an opportunity to streamline waste related information to improve accessibility by residents, and invited EnviroCom to undertake a comprehensive review of the waste services pages on Council’s website in order to identify areas for improvement.
The redesign, as directed and overseen by EnviroCom, was guided by a detailed project scope, which considered Council’s preference for a more mobile-friendly format; a desire to reduce the number of website pages; and a desire to avoid text heavy pages where possible.
New website content was developed by EnviroCom’s experienced consultants for the waste-related subpages, with input from and final approval provided by Council. All content was then provided to Council’s IT department who undertook the website refurbishing process ‘back of house’, rearranging subpages and uploading the new content and resources as required. Feedback provided by Council indicated the IT department was very impressed by the highly intuitive and user-friendly arrangement of the information and content.
CASE STUDIES / EDUCATION Southern Downs Regional Council School Outreach Program 2012
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