Large Scale Landfill Waste Assessment

The Gold Coast City Council is the second largest local government area in Australia and generates substantial volumes of waste from a population spread over a large geographic area from Coolangatta in the South to Yatala in the North. In November and December 2012, The Gold Coast City Council commissioned EnviroCom to undertake an assessment of various waste streams managed through their active Landfill Sites, including:
- Domestic Kerbside Waste to Landfill
- Domestic Kerbside Comingled Recycling
- Domestic Self Haul Waste (Transfer Station Waste)
- Commercial and Industrial Waste
- Construction and Demolition Waste
- MRF Processing Waste
- Council Street Bins (City Cleaning Mixed Waste Municipal)
Cumulatively, these waste streams contribute significantly to the overall composition of waste managed by Gold Coast City Council. EnviroCom developed an efficient and effective methodology to measure and reported summaries of the large amounts of data collected during the waste assessment. The data presentations included National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting categories (including statistical confidence used in the estimation of carbon generation), waste stream based aggregate categories and resource recovery and loss analysis. Recommendations on data collection processes, resource recovery and waste minimisation opportunities and other factors that may influence the management of waste through the GCCC landfill sites were investigated and included in the reporting processes.
CASE STUDIES / EDUCATION School Waste Minimisation Planning Program Takes Off
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