Nude Food Lunchboxes in Logan Primary Schools

In October 2014, EnviroCom coordinated a very successful Nude Food Day competition with 42 Logan primary school classes removing 2,400 packets from their lunchboxes on a single day.
Food wrappers and other single-use packaging containers form a significant proportion of the lunchtime waste generated in schools. Unfortunately, most of this school lunch box waste is destined to become either schoolyard litter or buried in landfill. The Nude Food Day competition was designed to raise awareness of the large volume of waste being generated in students’ lunchboxes, while providing students, teachers and parents with practical advice on how they can reduce packaging waste at school.
The Nude Food Day competition was held in conjunction with the National Nude Food Day event hosted by Nutrition Australia. A partnership between EnviroCom and Nutrition Australia secured the use of Nutrition Australia’s ‘National Nude Food Day’ logo along with other promotional insignia. EnviroCom was also provided with unlimited use and distribution of Nude Food Day lesson plans, activity sheets and other resources developed for schools by Nutrition Australia.
EnviroCom would like to thank the following schools for participating in the Nude Food Day competition:
- Boronia Heights State School
- Greenbank State School
- Jimboomba State School
- Logan Reserve State School
- Park Ridge State School
- Shailer Park State School
- St Bernardines Catholic Primary School
- St Francis College
- Woodhill State School
- Woodridge State School
CASE STUDIES / EDUCATION Recipe cards to help reduce food waste
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