Regulated Waste Training

EnviroCom Australia delivered three regulated waste training sessions to staff and contractors from Tarong Power Station, Tarong North Power Station and Meandu Mine (Stanwell) to assist in ensuring continued legislative compliance in regulated waste management and tracking. The practically focused, small group training sessions were delivered onsite and customised for the specific site needs and wastes generated.
The delivery of customised site-based training can be used to assist in addressing complex compliance issues by cutting through the regulatory jargon and focusing on the specific needs of a site, a project or an event. This process is best applied where detailed consideration of the waste generation composition and behaviour has been undertaken.
EnviroCom can assist any of our customers to assess waste composition, waste generation behaviours, regulated waste generation, waste management planning and develop site specific training or other interventions to address efficiencies, resource loss, resource recovery and compliance goals.
CASE STUDIES / EDUCATION Hawkesbury website revamp for easier access of waste information
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