Review of Food Waste Processing Options for Sunshine Coast Council Facilities

In 2017 EnviroCom undertook a research project to investigate options for the recycling of food waste produced at Sunshine Coast Council facilities and events.
The project aimed to provide Council with recommendations for methods to process food waste to reduce emissions, waste to landfill and to create a product that could be reused on Council owned parks and gardens.
Multiple technologies for organics processing were identified and compared against various criteria specific to Council’s requirements. These criteria included spatial and infrastructure requirements, environmental considerations, capital/ongoing costs, ease of use and legislative requirements.
EnviroCom was able to determine the processing requirements based on data collected in previous assessments of Council facility and event waste and recycling streams. From this data, potential implementation sites were highlighted and an appropriate processing option recommended.
The research project provided Council with an opportunity to reduce both waste to landfill and the carbon footprint while turning the food waste into an organic resource that could be utilised locally.
CASE STUDIES / TRAINING Corporate Waste Minimisation and Sustainability Programs
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