School Waste Minimisation Planning Program Takes Off

In 2013, Logan City Council’s popular waste education program, Watch Out Waste, began offering schools assistance with the development of a tailored School Waste Minimisation Plan (SWMP) to align with their School Environmental Management Plan (SEMP).
The assistance based program involves experienced EnviroCom educators providing advice on off-site collection services. This advice helps schools undertake baseline data gathering and develop a targeted and practical School Waste Minimisation Plan. The established in-class education program also complements the waste minimisation goals set by the school.
EnviroCom has currently assisted 4 schools to successfully develop a SWMP, with the collaborative approach to planning and development positively received by all schools involved. Through Council’s Watch Out Waste Program, EnviroCom hopes to engage a further 4-8 schools in the new financial year, as well as expand the program to provide assistance to local businesses.
For more information about Logan City Council’s Watch Out Waste Program visit Council’s website.
CASE STUDIES / EDUCATION Logan City Council Launches Waste Smart Kindy Program
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