Social Media Provides Effective Waste Education

To effectively engage the community in correct and safe waste management practices during COVID-19, EnviroCom developed a social media package for Moreton Bay Regional Council (MBRC). The package included four social media tiles accompanied by captions, and a frequently asked questions document to assist customer service staff with waste related enquiries. The four social media posts were developed to target specific kerbside waste generation and disposal behaviours such as recycling contamination, resource loss and disposal of hazardous materials as identified in the kerbside waste audit that EnviroCom previously conducted for MBRC. These social media posts were well received with a total of 235 likes, 91 comments and 72 shares.
EnviroCom also developed a short animated video for MBRC to provide recycling tips during National Recycling Week. The video received over 1,500 views, 5 comments, 8 shares and 25 likes on Facebook. The video is now available via the MBRC website and will be used as an ongoing tool to engage the Moreton Bay community in best practice waste behaviours. Check out the video below!
CASE STUDIES / RESEARCH Waste Reduction Plans – Mining Industry
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