Waste Reduction Plans – Mining Industry
JR Richards and Sons engaged EnviroCom to undertake an assessment of waste stream characteristics and waste disposal systems and behaviours at the Bulga Coal Complex, an integral part of the NSW division of Xstrata Coal.
Xstrata sustainable development strategies required a 12% reduction in waste to landfill over a five year period, with a 4% reduction in the first year.
More than one tonne of waste from the surface and underground operations was segregated and classified. This snapshot provided a measure of resource loss in the general waste stream and assisted in identifying opportunities for improved diversion. Assessment against historical waste contractor data allowed a baseline waste generation rate to be produced against which future diversion efforts can be measured.
Liaison with site staff, contractors and relevant stakeholders, along with observational assessments of disposal behaviours, bulk waste precincts and point of generation services provided an insight into the practices and procedures that will contribute to meeting waste reduction targets.
The resulting report delivered over 30 site specific recommendations, providing the client with clear and concise actions to improve diversion; the recommendations included guidance on equipment or servicing needs, outlined financial benefits or risks and included strategies associated with training for waste minimisation and ongoing evaluation of the initiatives.
CASE STUDIES / EDUCATION ‘Train the Trainer’ Composting and Worm Farming Workshop
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