Waste & Resource Recovery Education Strategy 2020-2024

Envirocom was commissioned to develop a comprehensive 4-year Waste and Resource Recovery Education Strategy (WRRE Strategy) on behalf of Campbelltown City Council, NSW.
The WRRE Strategy identifies the priorities and actions to be undertaken over the next four years to educate the Campbelltown community as Council moves towards its broad goals of waste minimisation, improved quality of recyclables and organics streams and improved resource recovery from household kerbside bins. Importantly, the Strategy seeks to engage with the Campbelltown community and acknowledge the important role they have to play in achieving these goals.
To assist Council in realising these goals, the WRRE Strategy is guided by an overarching vision statement underpinned by four key themes and associated objectives.
Community engagement that is based on a knowledge and application of behaviour change and Community Based Social Marketing is a key focus of the WRRE Strategy. EnviroCom considered behaviour change principles in the development of targeted, strategic and prioritised action plans for each of the four themes to enable Campbelltown City Council to realise the WRRE Strategy vision and achieve the key objectives over the next four years, 2020-2024.
CASE STUDIES / TRAINING EnviroCom Facilitates the DES Waste Educators Workshop
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