WasteLess Household Challenge

EnviroCom, in collaboration with Maroondah City Council and Transition Towns Maroondah developed an innovative community waste reduction workshop series pilot program called WasteLess Household Challenge.
The program involved EnviroCom co-facilitating a series of three workshops and developing educational materials which focused on reducing waste and recycling right. Participants completed a home waste audit at the beginning of the program and were able to use this information to set personal targets for waste reduction. The workshops gave participants an opportunity to analyse audit data, ask questions, learn about what happens to hard waste, comingled recycling and landfill waste in Maroondah, and explore ways to avoid, reduce, reuse and recycle their household waste. After a month participants then re-audited their household waste and were able to discuss the processes used to achieve waste reduction targets. The program was highly successful with all households achieving their waste reduction targets.