Wipe Out Waste Program

EnviroCom coordinated the Gold Coast City Council Wipe Out Waste (WOW) Program since its inception in May 2000 until October 2011. EnviroCom was responsible for program development and delivery to the school sector and facilitation of community events, including waste minimisation skills workshops. The program, delivered using purpose built mobile education facilities, has consistently engaged more than 30,000 students each year since 2003.
Other aspects of the program include:
- Redevelopment of lessons to incorporate the changing nature of waste management on the Gold Coast (i.e. extraction of methane from landfills; 2020 Vision on Waste strategy)
- Initiation of the Wipe Out Waste Challenge, engaging schools in practical waste minimisation initiatives
- Initiation of an annual poster competition and calendar
- Design and development of the Wipe Out Waste story book series
- Design and fit out of mobile education facilities
The Wipe Out Waste Program was a finalist in the Banksia Environmental Awards for Leadership in Environmental Communications in 2003.
CASE STUDIES / EDUCATION Early Learning Years Environmental Education Resource Kit
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